1. Legal information
In accordance with the provisions of article 10.1 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce (the “LSSI”), it is stated that the service provider is HESPERIA HOTELS ANDORRA SAU (hereinafter, “Hesperia”) with registered office at Carrer del Prat Gran, 3-5, AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra, with CIF A706299P. In addition, we provide you with the following contact email so you can send us your comments: .

2. Hiring
In accordance with the provisions of article 27.1.a) of the LSSI, contracting through will be carried out in accordance with the following:
Step 1: selection of the hotel, by the client, through the aforementioned website and through the existing search parameters.
Step 2: selection of the number of guests and rooms.
Step 3: selection of the desired dates of stay.
Step 4: selection of room type.
Step 5: insertion of personal data related to the reservation and, where applicable, those of the bank card used to guarantee the reservation and acceptance of reservation conditions.
Step 6: verification of the data related to the reservation made.
Step 7: formalizing the reservation and displaying the relevant confirmation page.
Step 8: Sending a reservation confirmation email with reservation details.
Hesperia will generate a comprehensive electronic document of the reservation formalization for your file. The client will receive access and full knowledge of said file by sending an email with its contents at the end of the reservation.
After formalizing the reservation, the client is requested to review its contents in order to identify possible material errors in the entry of data. In your case, to process the pertinent correction, we would appreciate it if you could call our reservation center phone number, that is, +34 93 611 31 31, indicating the identifying information of your reservation.
The Hesperia recruitment procedure is offered in several languages. To change the language, access the language drop-down menu at the top right of any page on
In accordance with the specific conditions of the specific rates applied to the reservation, payment of these may be made (i) in advance, in whole or in part, at the time of formalizing the reservation, (ii) at the time of registration at the hotel and physically access the room (check-in), or (iii) at the time of leaving the room (check-out). The aforementioned payments can be made by: credit card accepted at the establishment, bank transfer and/or in cash using legal tender in the country of the hotel.
The legal clause relating to the right of withdrawal will not apply to reservations made through or the telephone reservation service, and in any case the particular conditions of the offer regarding cancellation will apply. To make it effective, you must contact the chosen hotel directly at the telephone number, postal address or email address indicated in the reservation confirmation message, providing your identification data.

3. Industrial and intellectual property
All content included on this website, that is, by way of example, but not limited to, articles, texts, designs, photographs, images, logos, videos, audios, databases, the software and the website as a whole correspond Hesperia in its capacity as owner of the domain and/or entity legitimized for its use by virtue of the granting of a third-party license, therefore its use is prohibited without express prior authorization.
The brands, trade names, logos and any other distinctive signs found on this website are the property of Hesperia or this entity has the corresponding use license for their insertion on said website.
In the absence of express authorization, the user is prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating and transforming the content and/or brands mentioned above for commercial or lucrative purposes.

4. Responsibility
Hesperia may make available to the user links or other elements that allow access to other websites belonging to third parties.
Hesperia does not market the products and services of said linked pages, nor does it assume any type of responsibility for them, nor for the information contained therein, nor its veracity or legality, nor for any effects that may arise.
In any case, Hesperia reserves the right to immediately remove any content that could contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order, proceeding to immediately withdraw the redirection to the appropriate website, informing of the competent authorities the content in question.


1. General booking conditions
Reservation conditions
The reservation, if applicable, will be guaranteed by your credit card. In this case, your credit card details will be stored securely and confidentially. Hesperia undertakes to keep the data provided by the client secret.
In the case of offers, promotions, special rates, non-refundable or restrictive rates, a deposit charge may be made securely through our website from the moment the reservation is made or from the moment restrictions apply. POS, which will be deducted from your final bill at the chosen hotel. Your credit card details will be stored securely and confidentially as an additional guarantee.
In the event that you have to pay all or part of the reservation amount at the chosen hotel upon arrival, you may be required to pay said amount on the day of your arrival (that is, on the check-in date). .
If you wish to make any modification, change or cancellation to your reservation, you must do so in advance of the check-in date scheduled in the original reservation specified in the particular conditions of the rate or offer chosen by the client. In other circumstances, the corresponding charges will be applied.
After making your reservation, we would appreciate it if you could present, either in paper or electronic format, the reservation confirmation, which will serve as proof of the contracted services and your reservation. Likewise, we would appreciate it if you would keep it until your arrival at the chosen hotel and show it at the reception at the time of check-in. Otherwise, the hotel will not be liable for any error related to the reservation (for example, the contracted rate, number of people and/or contracted services).
Likewise, we would appreciate it if you kept the locator number of the reservation made, since this will be necessary to access its data in case you wish to make any changes, modifications or cancellations.
Please remember that all people (including minors) who are going to stay at the chosen hotel must have the relevant identification documents, as well as official and current accreditation documents to verify:
- that the reservation conditions (namely, the age of the minors or the identity of the people who will stay at the hotel) that were indicated in the reservation are met.
- that the conditions of discounts, offers, promotions, etc. are met. applied in the reservation.
- that, where applicable, the client is the holder of the bank card with which the prepayment was made.
The aforementioned documentation may be requested at the hotel reception upon arrival. In case of non-accreditation or non-compliance with any of the conditions specified above, the hotel may charge you 100% of the stay, even if prepayments have been made and, likewise, reserves the right to collect the discounted amounts.
Payment for the reservation will be made in the official currency of the place where the hotel is located. Prices in other currencies, possibly shown in parentheses just below the price of the currency of the place where the hotel is located and indicated in the reservation process and confirmation, are merely informative prices and are subject to variations in the type of change of the day.

The rates in relation to which the term "from" is included are calculated based on an occupancy of two (2) adults per room. In the event that the reservation is made for a higher or lower number of people per room, the relevant rate may vary.
Likewise, it is stated that the rates are valid only for individual reservations. In no case will they be applicable to groups (that is, for the reservation of ten (10) or more rooms) and/or special events.
Rates include taxes applicable at the time the reservation is made. Without prejudice to the foregoing, if it occurs after the formalization of the reservation, the increase in any applicable indirect tax (such as, but not limited to, VAT or IGIC), or new rates, taxes are established. , liens or contributions of any type that burden the provision of services to be provided to the client, the indicated rates will increase by the legally corresponding amount.
The client may make any claim through: (a) the reception of the chosen hotel itself; (b) postal mail addressed to Hesperia, Customer Service Department, Avda. Mare de Déu de Bellvitge, 08097 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain); (c) the customer service portal (
Your personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be consulted at the following link: .

2. Hiring
After formalizing the reservation, we would appreciate it if you would review its contents in order to identify possible material errors in the entry of data. To process your correction, we would appreciate it if you contact the operator with whom you made your reservation.

Reserve confirmation
At the time of making the prepaid reservation, a movement of the monetary unit (euro, dollar, pound, etc.) of the reservation confirmation will be shown in the client's account, for the purposes of verifying the card details provided. This amount will be returned to you within a period that may vary depending on the bank.
By providing bank card information, the client authorizes the charge on the prepaid card, unpaid amounts and penalties provided for in the cancellation policy. Hesperia undertakes to keep the data provided by the client secret.

In the case of prepaid reservations, if you do not arrive at the hotel (no-show) before 6:00 p.m. (local time of the selected hotel) on the scheduled day of check-in at the hotel, no amount will be refunded.
In the case of guaranteed reservations, unless the cancellation has been made effective in accordance with the above, in case of failure to appear at the hotel (no-show) before 6:00 p.m. (local time of the selected hotel) of the scheduled day upon arrival at the hotel, the reservation will be automatically canceled and you will be charged the amount expressly provided for in the No-show section included in the applicable rate conditions.
If the client anticipates that they will access the chosen hotel on the expected day of arrival, but after 6:00 p.m. (local hotel time), we would appreciate it if they could contact the hotel directly (whose contact details will appear on the confirmation of the reservation) to communicate this circumstance.

Minors under 18 years of age may not make reservations at the hotel without the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be solely responsible for all acts carried out by the minors in their care, including the completion of the forms with the personal data of said minors and the marking, where appropriate, of the boxes that accompany them.

3. Data protection
Your personal data will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be consulted at the following link: .

4. Cookies policy
You can obtain information about our cookie policy at the following link: .

5. Transactions
Due to the fluctuation of the local currency and the banking fee that your bank may apply, there may be some price differences between the time you make the payment and the time you receive the card statement.
In accordance with Law 7/2012, of October 29, modifying tax and budgetary regulations and adapting financial regulations to intensify actions to prevent and combat fraud, cash payments cannot be made. for operations of an amount equal to or greater than 2,500 euros or its equivalent in foreign currency.
When the payer is a natural person who can justify that they do not have their tax domicile in Spain and do not act as a businessman or professional, the limit of cash payments will amount to 15,000 euros or its equivalent in foreign currency.
In the case of non-residents in Spain, the payer must sign a declaration at the hotel at the time of payment and provide proof of their tax address (that is, a valid passport and/or certificate validly issued by the tax authority of their country). ). With respect to operations that cannot be paid in cash, those involved in the operations must keep proof of payment, for a period of five (5) years from the date of payment, to prove that it was made through one of the means of payment other than cash. Likewise, they are obliged to provide these supporting documents at the request of the State Tax Administration Agency.

6. Modification of the General Conditions
Hesperia reserves the right to modify, partially or totally, these General Conditions.

7. Legal information
For the purposes of the provisions of article 10.1 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, it is stated that the service provider is Hesperia World, SLU, with registered office at L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain), Avda. Mare de Déu de Bellvitge, number 3, CP 08907, with CIF B-67.307.242, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona in Volume 46,710, folio 158 and page B- 528,434 and owner of the contact email: .

8. Tax Data
The reservation made through Hesperia will be invoiced by the Hesperia group company that operates the hotel as the entity in charge of both the provision of the services contracted by the client under this reservation and its collection.

This policy may need to be updated. Therefore, it is necessary that you review this policy periodically and, if possible, each time you make a reservation with us in order to be adequately informed about the type of information collected and its treatment.